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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki

    This is my imagination;

    This is how it looks and sounds -

    But I gotta go so much bigger,

    So they can never shut me down

    I'm kinda scared of graduation

    Cause who am I when this is done?

    I wanna be next up forever,

    So the best is always yet to come[1]

    basic labels

    Aka the labels I use publicly (depending on where I'm at)

    current stuff

    • Name; Vick (short for Viktor)
    • Auxiliary name; Dallas / Violet
    • Pronouns; void/void/voids/voids/voidself ("Wow, void looks great! I wonder what voids secret is!")
    • Auxiliary pronouns; --

    other labels - pronouns & stuff

    Aka I'm a termcollector

    • Genderhoarder - a fluid identity one can't describe easily, thus one "hoards" a bunch of labels that fit
    • Kiwihoarder - one's orientation is fluid, but can't be described in few terms, thus one "hoards" a bunch of labels that fit
    • Multipronominal - one who goes by multiple sets of pronouns
    • Mutopronounal - one whose pronouns change in different situations or contexts
    • Namehoarder - one who "hoards" many names that fit
    • Objectum - attraction to inanimate objects
    • Polyamorous - the capability or desire to be in a relationship with more than one person
    • Pronoun ambivalent - one who has mixed feelings about their pronouns
    • Pronoun Hoarder - one who uses many sets of pronouns
    • Pronounfluid - one who switches between different sets of pronouns
    • Many spiritual crushes - I really can't explain this one in short
    • Syllrubru - a type of gender collecting where one collects genders they feel they might be in the future, so they collect those genders 'just in case'
    • Turkeyhoarder - same as pronoun hoarder
    • Webpronounswap - one who uses different pronouns online & in person

    orientation labels

    I don't think anyone needs to "justify" their labels, but I'm an exception from my own rule, as always. I don't really know how to define my sexuality, so I use multiple labels, some of which are contradictory. Proceed at your own discretion.

    • Abrosexual - fluctuating orientation
    • Cogitarisexual - one only experiences attraction in their own head and don't try to act on it
    • Eligereromantic - one can choose if they feel romantic attraction to certain people or not
    • Iamvanosexual - one enjoys sexual acts being performed on them, but doesn't want to perform sexual acts on others
    • Implasexual - one is never satisfied with their orientation, no matter how well a label fits
    • Kaitasexual - attraction to both fictional and real people
    • Lithromantic - one experiences romantic attraction, but doesn't want it reciprocated
    • Omnisexual - attraction to all genders, but gender plays a role in attraction
    • Pansexual - attraction regardless of gender; gender doesn't play a role in attraction
    • Parosexual - one experiences different forms of sexual attraction to different genders
    • Polysexual - attraction to many genders, but not all
    • Post Rubor - one feels attraction quickly, but it fades after the excitement of having attraction disappears
    • Proculsexual - sexual attraction exclusively or near-exclusively to people one knows they can never be in a relationship with
    • Quoisexual - inability to identify sexual attraction
    • Voideric - an orientation that is always shifting an never moving; it's contradictory and confusing

    past orientation labels

    I'm pretty sure I used to be ace-spec for a long time, but that has, for the most part, changed.

    I used to be apothisexual and at one point alicosexual.

    gender labels

    Keep in mind I'm fluid between these genders. I use the genderfluid version of a system if I shift every gender in it.


    • Alexi-Xenoflux \this comes in waves (for a period of time I'll be alexi-xenoflux & then it goes away & then it comes back again some months or weeks later) - one knows what genders they're fluid between, but can't tell what they're shifting at a given moment
    • Cavrumgender - connected to black holes; feels all-consuming but never complete
    • Colligogender - one feels they're collecting genders
    • Genderfluid - fluctuation between multiple genders over time
    • Multigender \I prefer polygender - two or more genders
    • Outersystem with a Worldgender as the 'base' - one has so many genders which correlate in such a complex way it can best be described as a solar system/galaxy. Worldgender is the 'smaller' version of this, where one's genders make up a world/planet
    • Pangender - infinitely many genders
    • Scorpifluid - fluidity between unknown/hard to understand genders
    • Shifterfluid - fluidity between fluid identities
    • Textgender \usually in a pangender shift - one begins to identify with a gender the more they read about it


    • Agender \sometimes kingender - a lack of gender
    • Apogender \sometimes kingender - one feels completely removed from the concept of gender
    • Cloudgender - one's gender cannot be fully understood due to derealization and/or depersonalization (neurogender)
    • Errgender - inability to get a hold of one's gender or to fully understand it
    • Genderless \sometimes kingender - an absence of gender; I personally use this when I feel total detachment from gender
    • Gendervoid - a blank space or void where a gender might be
    • Intangigender - a hard-to-inspect gender that feels cols and shadowy

    "other" genders (/labels)

    • Abimegender - best described by mirrors reflecting into one another, creating an infinite reflection
    • Aporagender \sometimes kingender - a strong gendered feeling that is completely removed from masculinity, femininity, or androgyny
    • Ludosgender - a strong connection to playing cards, dice, and the like
    • Toastgender - one's gender feels akin to metal, fluctuating between feeling warm and cold (kingender)
    • Non-Binary - one who doesn't fit into the binary of man & woman
    • Xeminine \kin related - one who's both xenine & feminine (or attached to femininity)
    • Xenic \sometimes kin related - one who isn't male or female aligned, but instead aligned with animals, plants, things, or concepts


    • Astronomique - a gender in some way related to astronomy (umbrella term, can be used on its own)
      * Aethergender \usually kingender - a gender that is wide, commanding, breathtaking & powerful
    • Astralgender - a gender connected to space, stars & the universe
    • Astrumgender \sometimes kingender - a gender connected to stars and/or constellations; one may feel like their gender is bursting from within them
    • Aurorian \sometimes kingender - fluid gender of the galactian alignment system, which is an alignment system to describe certain gendered feelings in non-gendered terms
    • Brunstjernen \usually kingender - stargender connected to brown dawrfs, space, coffee & planets; it feels small and distant
    • Caelgender \sometimes kingender - a gender that shares quality with outer space and/or shares the aesthetic of space, stars, nebulae etc.
    • Cavrumgender - connected to black holes; feels all-consuming but never complete
    • Eclipsique - a gender connected to solar and/or lunar eclipses
    • Exoplanique - a gender related to exoplanets & rogue planets
    • Galacticgender \sometimes kingender - a gender disconnected from this world/reality that's strongly connected to space things such as planets, stars, moons, nebulas, and the like
    • Galaxxin / Galaksene \sometimes kingender - a gender connected to star clusters, galaxies, distant planets, earth-like planets, and nebulae; also feels as if it's an infinite void, akin to space
    • Linnutgender - a gender connected to all planets, celestial bodies & astronomical objects in the solar system
    • Neagender - a gender connected to the void with (a) gendered component/s inherently tied to it; a connection to an actual void, like space; connection to space itself or to ocean depths; connection to liminal spaces; a gender that is a void; feeling somewhat gendered, but distorted; a haze, fog, or vast feeling; any other connection to the void
    • Kuiperian \sometimes kingender - fluid gender of the celestial gender system, which is a system of genders with a soft, celestial energy; they're gendered, but only softly; linked but not aligned
    • Mnioct \sometimes kingender - a gender that encompasses the void but is filled with all
    • Pulsargendervoid \usually kingender - fluid form of spacegendervoid; a gender connected to space, stars, and the universe as a whole, with the feeling of genderlessness while also being vaguely gendered
    • Spacecoric \sometimes kingender - a coric gender related to the aesthetic of spacecore/space/astronomy
    • Stargender \sometimes kingender - has three definitions; a gender that is or is like a star / an otherworldly, non-human gender which can't be described in earthly terms & originates from beyond Earth / a gender which can't be described, no matter how many terms are coined
    • Svarthulline - a gender connected to black holes, infinity, nothingness, the void, space & unknown objects


    • Caegender \sometimes kingender - a gender connected to the sky
    • Eventidal \usually kingender - a gender connected to the night sky, moon, starlight, and clouds; it's cold, clear & majestic
    • Moongender \usually kingender - a gender connected to the moon, lunar activity, or the zodiac
    • Noctisgender - a gender connected to the night (sky or otherwise)

    elemental genders

    • Aecorfluid - fluid gender in the Aecor System, which is a system of genders connected to water
      Demiaecor - a gender that's partially aecoric
      Arroyan [demi] - a gender that feels like a small creek or stream
      Flitzan [demi] - a gender that feels like a cup of water
      Cascadan [demi] - a gender that feels like a waterfall
      Charcon [demi] - a gender that feels like a puddle
      Hielon [demi] - a gender that feels like ice
      Lochen [demi] - a gender that feels like a lake
      Neptunun [demi] - a gender that feels like the ocean or sea
      Rion [demi] - a gender that feels like a river
      \usually kingender
    • Eilumescian - a gender from the sylvian system (a system of genders related to forests); it's connected to forests, with a specific connection to otherworldly and/or mythical forests
    • Fervian \sometimes kingender - masculine gender of the element system; a masculine gender represented by fire
    • Hadogender \sometimes kingender - a gender connected to the deep ocean & the eldrich secrets they hide
    • Roseian - a gender from the fleurian system (a system of genders related to flowers); it's connected to nature and flowers, with a specific connection to roses

    electric genders

    • Audiowavegender \self-coined, can't quite put into words well enough to add a page
    • Exploigender - a gender in the techno-gender system; it's best described as finding a hidden glitch in a game that lets you progress, giving a feeling of euphoria
    • Hardwaregender \demi - a gender connected to computer hardware such as circuit boards, wires & CPUs


    therian kingenders


    The uncategorized ones

    • Capriogender - a gender connected to the sign Capricorn
    • Dollgender - a gender that's fragile with a soft feminine energy, or a gender connected to a doll-related kintype
    • Exaltgender - a gender connected to royalty, nobility & the like; it's often connected to a feeling of elegance and gracefulness
    • Libra-gender - a gender connected to the sign Libra
    • Miraigender - a gender that's in some way connected to the future; either to something that can predict the future (tarot cards, fortune cookier etc.), future related media (books, TV shows etc.), or anything connected to the future; can also be an aesthetigender connected to futuristic aesthetics

    magic kingenders

    creepy kingenders

    alien kingenders

    Kingenders I generally shift when shifting alien kins; the genders themselves aren't necessarily alien-related

    AI (& connected) kingenders

    angelic kingenders

    source genders

    Genders connected to source rather than a specific kin.



    coric genders

    syllrubru genders

    • Butterflygender - a gender connected to butterflies
    • Contigender \sometimes kingender - a gender which flows through space and time, always changing; is of space and time or related to space and time
    • Cosmicgender - a gender so vast and complex one is only able to process a piece of it at a time
    • Onerogender - an enigma; both constantly moving and staying still at the same time, both full and empty, as well as in the middle
    • Schrodigender - either a gender one can feel but also not feel, or a single gender that exists as if it were multiple genders
    • Supernovae - a gender that is or is like a supernova; it erupts and hundreds of genders are created, destroyed & fused together into new genders
    • Stellaene - a gender best described as a rogue planet spiraling out of control

    about me ig

    • I think of myself as the little red frame on the calendar, with the way I constantly change
    • I used to be rly into BMC, Heathers & Hamilton
    • I'm slowly going out of my podcast phase (TAZ, Fun City, IDEOATV, TEOTAOB)
    • TMA is an anxiety trigger tho >_>
    • I used to read a lot, but now am unable af
    • I either daydream constantly for weeks on end, or am completely unable to daydream & suffer
    • I love animated & soft things
    • I have trouble connecting with live-action stuff hahah
    • I'm also a huge kinnie, obv (spiritual kin; I've a lot of kins)
    • I will literally develop a crush on you 20 minutes after meeting
    • I write poetry & short stories (& also cursed fanfiction), none of it rly publicly
    • Hope u have a great day <3
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